a bargain blouse…

hmgoepprod (21) hmgoepprod (22) hmgoepprod (23)

V Neck Button Blouse

So it’s back to work, back to school and back to reality. The decorations have all come down and Christmas is officially over. January always feels like the Monday of the year to me but I am trying my best to stay as positive as possible. I’m reading this fab book which I am loving. I have been taking some me time which includes long hot baths, these bath salts are amazing and I have been trying to get rid of my awful hormonal spots, these are so good (more gorgeous, vegan friendly, toxic free beauty products to spoil yourself with here). When I spotted this blouse I just knew it was too gorgeous to not share. This will be as fabulous in the summer with sandals and denim cut off as it is now with jeans and boots. It can be dressed up or down and I love all three colours and did I mention that it is only £10! Total bargain.

Shelley x

P.s; please tell me what you do to beat your January blues.
