A capsule wardrobe…

I recently asked on Instagram what people would like to see more of on my blog and The Capsule Wardrobe came up again and again.

We each have different bodies and lifestyles and we need to dress for that unique combination (I class dungarees a capsule item for me, you may not). One perfect capsule wardrobe will not work for everyone.

What is a capsule wardrobe?

  • a collection of clothes and accessories that include only items considered essential


  • a person’s basic collection of coordinating clothes that can be used to form the basis of outfits for all occasion


  • a set of clothing which can be mixed and matched to create a wide variety of outfits.

A small collection of items including clothing, jewellery, accessories and shoes that encourage you to wear your favorite things every day (not the trendiest things, the most stylish things, or the perfect things … your favorite things).

Reasons to build a capsule wardrobe

Reduce decision fatigue.Deciding what to wear requires mental energy better spent on other things. Instead of trying on several outfits getting ready in the morning in hopes of finding the perfect thing to wear, curate a small capsule wardrobe. Then there are no daily decisions required. You get to wear your favourite things every day.

Reduce your amount of clothes. Do you have items laying around your bedroom? Is your closet stuffed to the brim? Do you forget what’s in there?

Save money. Do you waste money on pieces you wear once or never. Do you have anything in your closet that still has it’s price tag on?

Starting your capsule wardrobe

Make a list of your 30 items by category. Start with the items you already use every day, and your go-to clothing items. This list may change over time as seasons change, or work/life situations change.

I know the following things are usually going to start my list:


  • jeans- blue/black
  • dress
  • simple t-shirt- grey/white/black
  • blue/white shirt
  • blazer- black/camel
  • coat- camel/black/check
  • Dungarees-black/blue


  • bracelet


  • sunglasses
  • bag


  • ballet flats
  • boots
  • trainers/Converse
  • Loafers

Below I have selected items that I would class as capsule, each item will work well with all the other items and so you can make lots of outfits.

Shelley x
