Friday Favourites…

hmgoepprod (4)

hmgoepprod (6)

Woohooo it’s Friday. This week has been a tough one, hence why there has been a lack of posts. If you follow my instagram you will have seen that my poor Daisy has been having a bit of a tough time at school. From all the comments on my instagram post it seems that many of your children are too. I think I will do a seperate post on this subject as it’s so close to a lot of our hearts. I have ordered quite a few books, some for me so I can research up on the subject and some for Daisy so that she can start to understand what bullying is, what it looks like and what she can do about it. This book I ordered for Daisy arrived today and it looks amazing, Daisy has already started to work through the activities and is very impressed. It defines what rude is, what mean is and what bullying is and gives them examples so they can decide which is what. It also gives easy-to-implement ideas to help young people understand strategies for counteracting and identifying bullying .Once Daisy and I have read them all I will let you know my thoughts.  However, I digress. In a bid to cheer Daisy and myself up I did some retail therapy, so my friday favourites are all for the girls. I was going to do a whole high street round up but only managed to focus on two stores.

Shelley x

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