
Friday favourites…

hmgoepprod (35)

It’s Friday again already. This week I have been reading the most beautiful book, it’s about the regrets of the dying and is just so moving (I have cried many times). It’s got me thinking about following our hearts and doing what is true for us. It states that the number one regret is ‘I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me!’

I’ve been pondering on what I do not because I want to but because I feel I should. What’s one thing you’re doing right now, not because it’s what you want to, but because you feel it’s expected from you? What’s one courageous change you’d like to make to be more true to yourself and how can you take that 1st step. Let me know, I’d love to hear your thoughts.

In other news I’ve done my Friday favourites. I’ve had a few questions about outfits for christenings/weddings so have added some beautiful dresses. Have a fabulous weekend.

Shelley x
