Daisy’s Sunday selects…

Hi everyone, Daisy again. It’s Sunday so time for my Sunday selects. A whole crazy mixture of things today, including some christmas items. Is it…

Friday favourites…

Oooh that Friday feeling. I am so ready for the weekend. Tired, tired, tired. There are quite a few pyjamas in my picks this week…

Home bargains…

Am I the only one that gets a little bored with the rooms in their home? I constantly need to be changing them up and…

Daisy’s Sunday selects…

Hi everyone, back to school for me tomorrow whilst Bobby is still off with mum, I’m not exactly happy about this! It’s been a rainy…

Friday favourites…

Yey for Fridays and for my Friday favourites. This week I seem to have really concentrated on animal print and coats. There is no reason…

Topshop loves…

Because I love Topshop I have done a quick round up of items I am loving in there at the minute. I defintely can’t (and…

Daisy’s Sunday Selects…

Well today has been a peng (for those who don’t know peng means ace) day. We have been for a walk, had cake, I have…