New Look picks…

I don’t shop in New Look that often, but when I do I buy items that I truly love and know I will wear a…

kids room…

We all know that H&M is fabulous for clothes, but were you aware of their home wares? Especially the kids collections. Seriously so good. We…


You are all probably aware of Cos for women and men but are you familiar with their children’s collection? Cos has to be one of…

New boots…

New Look Suedette Boots  So, yesterday I met with  my super cool friend Estelle and she had the best boots ever on. I was expecting…

Friday favourites…

Today within my Friday favourites I have concentrated on kids clothing and in particular La Redoute as there is up to 50% off at the…

Books I have been reading…

I read a LOT, like all the time and I have got through a lot of books of late since spending less time on social…

new editions to the kids wardrobes…

Today’s post is dedicated to what I have bought the kids recently. I have been trying to be more minimalist but the fact is that…