


Magnesium Oil Spray

I wanted to write another post about magnesium as I feel this is what has helped immensely with sleep and illness in our house! (See previous post here).  I now go to sleep quickly when I get into bed and stay asleep for much longer, with no wake ups through the night.

It is well known that poor sleep can have a dramatic effect on our health and well-being. What is less well known is that a deficiency in magnesium can be one of the main factors affecting the quality of sleep we can achieve. The body needs magnesium to maintain a state of rest and a lack of magnesium can lead to restless muscles that can keep you awake at night.

Sleep disorders can take many forms, from restless leg syndrome to insomnia. If, like me, you have trouble getting to sleep, we’re not alone, it seems around 40% of us get less than six hours sleep a night, so before falling asleep why not try a bath with these beauties to relax you. If you have disrupted sleep (which I did, I would wake a few times in the night and start to dwell on ridiculous things) try applying 2-3 spritzes of this fabulous spray-start slow as it can tingle and irritate if you go to fas, especially i you are really deficient-or try rubbing this Magnesium Body Butter directly to your shoulders or stomach and massage it in. We have recently all been taking this powder before bed and it really is fantastic. Mark and I have a teaspoon mixed with boiling water and the kids have half a teaspoon.

Our need for magnesium has never been so great. Modern diet and pressured lifestyles have resulted in a drastically poor magnesium intake.

Intensive farming and processed foods have been a major factor in the last 100 years and magnesium now represents the largest decline of all nutrients in the UK Government’s National Diet and Nutrition Survey.

Magnesium is responsible for 325 chemical reactions inside the body and promotes energy production, mental clarity, bone and muscle health. If we have the right amount of magnesium our body will be more supple and will resist fatigue for longer. We will be stronger, more flexible and better able to resist both physical and emotional stress. Its presence ensures our cells can repair and detox so a sufficient amount is fundamental for a healthy functioning body.

Magnesium is also one of  the most important minerals for sports nutrition. It plays a fundamental role in optimal muscle contraction, skeletal strength and energy production, helping to sustain the high oxygen consumption necessary for athletic performance.

The unique purity of  the BetterYou Magnesium Oil means that it can be used by everyone. It’s suitable during pregnancy and nursing, for children and for those following diabetic, coeliac, vegan and vegetarian diets. Applied directly onto the skin, magnesium is quickly absorbed into the highly porous epidermis, through to the blood vessels and muscles beneath, completely bypassing the digestive system where many nutrients are lost.

You do not need to worry about overdosing when using transdermal magnesium. Upper limits are only set when using the product orally, as large doses can have a laxative effect due to it being a natural relaxant.

Toxic symptoms from increased magnesium intake are not common as the body eliminates excess amounts, unless there are serious problems with kidney function.

Shelley x

 P.s; I have written a seperate post for the children’s magnesium here.

My advice is start slow, just use a few sprays to the back of your knees or on your arms as it can tingle slightly as it is being absorbed, especially if your body is lacking in magnesium and work up to the full 10 sprays.

(Press on the pink writing to take you directly to the product)



  1. Amy
    April 8, 2018 / 8:36 pm

    Can I ask how long it took for you to notice an improvement? And did you just use it before bed? How many sprays? I’ve ordered it to give it a go as I only manage 3 hours of sleep before being awake on and off for the rest of the night, sometimes for at least an hour! I blamed years of night shifts but there’s been no change since giving up nights nearly two years ago!

    • Shelley
      April 9, 2018 / 3:02 pm

      Yes it worked pretty quick, I have a bath in the magnesium salts twice a week and then I do a couple of sprays before bed every night! With it being trans dermal you can’t do any harm with how much you take.

    • Shelley
      April 9, 2018 / 3:03 pm

      Oh and try the cherry juice I recommended as well as that’s really good x

      • Amy
        April 11, 2018 / 9:17 pm

        Thank you. Will do. X